The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was the leader of the black separatist religious movement known as the Nation of Islam (sometimes called Black Muslims) in the...
“By any means necessary.” Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little and also known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz was the greatest and most influential Black Nationalist leader...
Vernon Johns (April 22, 1892 – June 11, 1965) was the visionary Baptist preacher in segregationist Montgomery, Alabama who, in the early 1950s, helped ignite...
[dropcap size=small]M[/dropcap]artin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was staying at the Lorraine Motel in Room 306. Around...
Thomas Nelson Baker, Sr. was the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in Philosophy (1903, Yale University). He was a writer, orator, ethicist, and...
Thomas Johnson was born enslaved at Rock Raymon, Virginia. Johnson spent the first twenty-eight years of his life—until the end of the American Civil War—in...
“An African…has an undeniable right to his Liberty.” Lemuel Haynes was an influential African-American religious leader who argued against the Maafa (slavery). Haynes was the...
Denmark Vesey (1767 – July 2, 1822) was a free black who masterminded what would have been the largest Maafa (slavery) uprising in American history. A skilled...
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