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July 27, 2024
Kentake Page

Privacy Policy

Meserette Kentake

Kentake Page values your privacy and want to be clear about the personal information we collect and process.

When you visit or use Kentake Page, you may be asked to provide us with personal information, like your name and email address, if you wish to comment on a post or subscribe to the blog. We use a secure op-in subscription system and we reserve the right to contact subscribers with information related to this website and blog. Subscribers may unsubscribe anytime and every email delivered will contain an “Unsubscribe” link.

We have never and will never sell or share your personal information to advertisers or other third-parties; nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this blog for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your Internet browser’s settings.

We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other web sites or media without our permission.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice to reflect changes in the law or technology, or changes in our practices regarding information collection and use. If we make material revisions to the way we collect or use your personal information so that we are using it for purposes or sharing data with third parties that you have not consented to, we will provide you with notice of those changes and may do so by announcing the change through Kentake Page and/or emailing you. You agree that we may notify you about material changes in the way we treat personal information by placing a notice on Kentake Page. You should check Kentake Page frequently for updates.

If you have any questions about your privacy, please contact us at meserette@kentakepage.com

Last updated May 23rd 2018.

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