Kentake Page needs your support
I started Kentake Page on Dec 21, 2012. Since then it has gone through many web design changes and challenges that required technical expertise to bring the site back online again. Through it all, I’ve kept Kentake Page advert free, although I have been cajoled over and over again to have adverts on the site.
Contributing is important to me. Therefore, I see Kentake Page as my spiritual contribution to the world, as I have been studying/reading Black history since high school. Many years ago! Over the past nine years I have put in a lot of research, time, and effort in creating and maintaining the website whilst being a mother, and working full-time and studying.
Web hosting, maintenance, and design are expenses that add up! So if you enjoy reading the posts on Kentake Page, please consider making a financial contribution. Your support will help us achieve our goals and keeping Kentake Page advert free. It will make a real difference as I continue to strive to bring more interesting blog posts.
Thank you,
Meserette Kentake