John Wesley Gilbert was a classical scholar who was the first African-American archaeologist. Gilbert discovered the ancient Greek city, Eretria, and produced the first map...
Three enslaved women were among the approximately 155 people accused of witchcraft in the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. Two of the enslaved women...
George Latimer, the father of inventor Lewis Howard Latimer, was the first fugitive from the Maafa (Atlantic slavery) whose arrest, imprisonment, trial, and emancipation, as...
James Armistead [Lafayette], an enslaved African American, was the most important revolutionary war spy during the American Revolution. Born into the Maafa (slavery) around December...
Denmark Vesey (1767 – July 2, 1822) was a free black who masterminded what would have been the largest Maafa (slavery) uprising in American history. A skilled...
[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]scar Marion was an enslaved African-American and Revolutionary War militiaman. Oscar Marion was the personal servant of General Francis Marion (1732–1795). The general was...
Born into the Maafa (Atlantic slavery) in the 1770s, York achieved fame as the sole African American member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Virginia...
These beautiful illustrations by Haitian artist, Joseph Kendy, tell the story of a heroic ancestor during the Maafa (Atlantic slavery). It is a pictorial love...
Robert Smalls was an enslaved African American who distinguished himself as a national war hero, statesman and civil-rights leader in the Reconstruction South, serving five terms in...
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