“An African…has an undeniable right to his Liberty.” Lemuel Haynes was an influential African-American religious leader who argued against the Maafa (slavery). Haynes was the...
Mari Evans was an African-American poet, writer, and dramatist, whose work has appeared in more than one hundred anthologies. Evans was “often considered a key...
“History is the struggle and record of humans in the process of humanizing the world, i.e., shaping it in their image and interests.” (Black history...
Gideon Edward Smith sometimes referred to as G. E. Smith, was an American football player and coach. Smith was the first African-American varsity athlete in...
William T. Shorey was a late 19th-century Caribbean-American whaling ship captain affectionately known to his crew as the Black Ahab, after Moby Dick’s protagonist. He...
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