“We must restore the historical consciousness of the African people. The reawakened Africans would then create a new African reality and be a major factor...
“We’ve survived colonization and enslavement and when you consider what we have gone through, the fact that we are here to have this conversation is...
“The real story of the scramble for Africa is presented…as having started some time around 1830 AD when France invaded Cueta, the most northern part...
[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]illiam Sanders Scarborough is generally thought to be the first African American classical scholar. Born into slavery, Scarborough became a world-respected scholar of Greek...
“Whoever controls the images, controls your self-esteem, self-respect and self-development. Whoever controls the history, controls the vision.” ~Dr. Leonard Jeffries Leonard Jeffries, a political scientist,...
Carter G. Woodson, known as The Father of Black History, was the African American historian who first opened the long-neglected field of Black studies to...
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