“There was a militarily gifted and exceptionally daring woman in the front line: Carlota, of Lucumbi origin…” In 1843 Carlota, an enslaved woman, led a...
Charles Ball was an enslaved African-American from Maryland, best known for his account as a fugitive, The Life and Adventures of Charles Ball (1837). Ball...
[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ouis Delgrès was an African-Caribbean leader of the anti-slavery movement in Guadeloupe resisting reoccupation and thus the restoration of the Maafa/Atlantic slavery by Napoleonic...
Denmark Vesey (1767 – July 2, 1822) was a free black who masterminded what would have been the largest Maafa (slavery) uprising in American history. A skilled...
Madison Washington escaped Euro-American system of enslavement to freedom in Canada. However, Washington could not continue to live free in Canada while the woman he...