Joseph Ephraim Casely Hayford was a West African barrister, author, and political leader who dedicated his life to helping improve conditions for the people of...
“Kwame Nkrumah was Africa’s magnificent dreamer. He dared to believe that African people could be masters of their destiny… He was the best example of...
Learie Nicholas Constantine, Baron Constantine, Kt. was a West Indian cricket legend, barrister, author, broadcast journalist and political activist who served as Trinidad’s High Commissioner...
David Downey, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia is an all-around athlete in softball, basketball, volleyball, baseball, track, and swimming. Downey is the former Canadian Middleweight...
George Wells Parker was an African-American political activist and historian who co-founded the Hamitic League of the World, to promote African pride and black economic...
Claude McKay was a Jamaican-American poet best known for his radical sonnet “If We Must Die,” the most militant poem of the Harlem Renaissance. Mckay,...
Jesse Owens achieved what no Olympian before him had accomplished, and was recognized in his lifetime as “perhaps the greatest and most famous athlete in...
John Ware lived in what we may consider the golden age of the ranching frontier and achieved heroic status for his impressive physical strength, remarkable...
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