African AmericanFamous PiscesHerstoryMarian Anderson: Legendary African American ContraltoMeserette KentakeFebruary 27, 2016June 10, 2020 by Meserette KentakeFebruary 27, 2016June 10, 20200 “Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend.” Marian Anderson was one of the most celebrated...
African AmericanBlack FirstsFamous LeoHerstoryHistory MakersLillian Evanti: The Classical Singer who could sing in five languagesMeserette KentakeAugust 12, 2015June 17, 2020 by Meserette KentakeAugust 12, 2015June 17, 20200 Annie Lillian Evans, who would later become the famed classical singer Lillian Evanti, was the first African American to sing grand opera professionally anywhere in...
African AmericanFamous LeoHerstoryAdele Addison: Singing BeautyMeserette KentakeJuly 24, 2015June 17, 2020 by Meserette KentakeJuly 24, 2015June 17, 20200 Adele Addison is an African-American lyric soprano who was an acclaimed figure in the classical music world during the 1950s and 1960s. She is best...