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July 27, 2024
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Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism

Christopher-Columbus-and-the-Afrikan-Holocaust“The Middle Passge. Our Holocaust. It is our holocaust because this is a holocaust that started 500 years ago and it is not over. We do not start our count at 6 million, we start counting at 60 million, and we have just began to count. Now I do not mean to negate the German and the European Holocaust. Whether the number was 6 or 60 million, even if it was wrong. But it was a problem started in Europe by Europeans that should have been resolved in Europe and Europeans. There is no comparisons between this tragedy and our tragedy which was the greatest crime in the history of the world. why haven’t we memorialized our dead? It was almost like the crime of not burying them.” –Dr. John Henrik Clarke

In Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust, “Dr. Clarke provides an overall analysis of a period of history that has been systematically falsified and hidden from the serious scrutiny of African-centred scholars and researchers and other committed individuals. He points to concepts that are keys to unveiling that truth about African history and destroying the “Big Lies” about white supremacy.

Dr. Clarke challenges the traditional views of African Civilizations and its strength and weaknesses before the enslavement and colonialism periods. He challenges the Eurocentric view of Columbus as a “discovered” and states that he set in motion the genocidal process and renewed western racism.  Professor Clarke points out that Columbus set in motion, political forces that established a global system of exploitation. This system has its roots in the Columbus Era and produced European world domination.”

Praise for Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust

“Dr. Clarke has examined this colossal dehumanizing of a people with minute detail, step by step and his chronicles reveal that the African Holocaust was “the greatest single crime in the world” committed against a people. Nothing ese can match this genocide and destruction.” –Dr. Edward Scobe

“The struggle over the legacy of Columbus and the correct history of African Holocaust of enslavement is at the heart of the conspiracy, conflict over the curriculum reform in our schools. Professor Clarke’s analysis provides us with a perspective that lets us understand that slaver and genocide were institutionalized and systematized into a global system of domination, destruction and death which not only control land, labor and resources but colonized information.” –Dr. Leonard Jeffries.

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