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July 27, 2024
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Love Poems

Erotic Poems by Black Authors: Das Camelia by Marvin E. Williams

Das Camelia by Marvin E. Williams


Open, let me taste you again, eternal fruit
let me taste again the juices seasoned
by soursop and papaya, mango and guava,
tamrind and the robust mananas sapping
in our trees and memories. Open, Das,
let me drink of your vessel sweetened
by sugar-apple and avocado, banana
and cane, mespel and tart nostalgia
that never sours our returns. Open, eternal
fruit, spread wide your delicate flesh
to my tongue, to my lips, to my desire
that knows no death. Let me sup on a meal
whose fragance is dessert, open, let me
drink from the artesian well of the heart.

Come near, let me massage your feet tonight
for they offer passage to nerve and soul;
tonight, let me rediscover the full
measure of the woman whose heart swept blight
from my spirit, malice from my every
breath. Let me caress firm flesh and sinew
to approach the fortified hut where you,
your own midwife, spur delivery.
Lie in your warm boat and float
down to where our taciturn rivers meet,
your sea that gathers them to broker calm.
Undress, love, meet me naked as I am.

from the Anthology, Caribbean Erotic.

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Karen Taylor February 8, 2018 at 15:00

My aunt has this picture in her room

Jerome March 13, 2018 at 05:28

Black eroticism at its finest, in my mind. These poems and art speak volumes to what we feel, see, hear, express of our being, but also seek. I adore my sistas truly.

Towanda Humphrey April 7, 2020 at 23:29

If you know how this poem made me emotional in the sense of it’s me, I’m her. It was like reading a book I lived but this person somehow knew my mind and wrote this poem. I’ll never forget #touched


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