Kimpa Vita, also known as Dona Beatriz (1684–1706), was a Kongo prophetess and leader of her own Christian movement, Antonianism. She is known as the...
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]hmed Baba was one of the greatest African scholars. Amongst the Songhai, he was known as the “The Unique Pearl of His Time”. According...
Ethiopia was once ruled by a mighty Queen who destroyed Axum and its countryside, the churches and Christian monuments, killing thousands in the process. Her campaigns...
Dahia Al-Kahina was “the queen of the Berbers” who led the most determined resistance to the early Arab invasion of North Africa. Arab records describe...
[dropcap size=small]N[/dropcap]ehanda Charwe Nyakasikana was a female spiritualist leader from Mashonaland and a key leader in the First Chimurenga uprisings against colonial settlers 1896-1897. She...
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